Scotland Trip Itinerary

Susan & Alana’s Fabulous Trip to Scotland, 2012
(most refs are from Frommer, but Lonely Planet augments)
  • Edinburgh
  • Newington: Aonach Mor guest house
  • Tourist center:  MacBraens Ferry : check for “rover deal” to islands
  • Edinburgh Castle (Royal Mile)
  • Holyrood House (Royal Mile)
  • (maybe) Scotch Whisky Heritage House (RM)
  • Ntl Mus of Scotland (2 blks from RM): be sure to visit
  • Royal Botanic Garden (28 acres):
  • Dundee
  • Perth
  • Kinnoul Hill: view of geologic Highland Line dividing Highlands from Lowlands
  • Branklyn Garden:  
  • Kirk of St John the Baptist set on Pictish foundation
  • Old Scone on Tay, ancient Pictish capital
  • Stone of Destiny now in Edinburgh Castle
  • Pitlochry
  • Beinn Bhracaigh (12 units)
  • good hotel: S side of Tay: Ardeonaig, less trafficked side of Tay
  • Edradour Distillery
  • Scottish Crannog Center, outside Kenmore, reconstructed 3000 BC dwelling interpretative center (LP:118)
  • Heathergems craft shop (LP:123)
  • Add stone sites
  • Aberdeen
  • Inverness 1
  • Clachaig Inn:
  • Glencoe “most dramatic glen in Scotland”
  • island of Hanna? W from Inverness N of Ullapool
  • Ft. Wm.
  • Lochview Guesthouse (6 units):
  • W Highland Museum
  • Elgin: Speyside Whisky Road
  • Kingussie
  • Homewood Lodge; (4 units only!)
  • Highland Folk Museum
  • Inverness 2
  • Glen Mhor Hotel:
  • Culloden Battlefield (1745)
  • Loch Ness
  • Inverness Museum & Art Gallery
  • Drumnadrochit
  • Urquhart Castle
  • Lybster, etc
  • Grey Cairns of Camster (LP: 234)
  • 4 mi N of a turn off from A99 E of Lybster
  • Hill o’Many Stanes (22/600 orig. in fan shape)
  • 2 mi beyond Camster turn off of A99
  • Stunning view
  • Cairn o’Get
  • 1 mi NW of Ulbster--boggy
  • Achavanich Standing Stones (30)
  • 5 mi NW of Lybster
  • To Orkneys
  • Buy Orkney Explorer Pass –covers all HS [Historic Scotland] sites: £17 (LP: 275)
  • Orkney : ferry from Scrabster via North-Link Ferries:
  • Orkney Ferries Ltd, Kirkwall: to other islands
  • Kirkwall
  • Berstane House, St. Ola, outside Kirkwall (manse – family-run B&B: 3 units only!): www.HYPERLINK ""berstaneHYPERLINK ""
  • Wideford Hill Cairn (3 concentric walls around passage & chamber): walk 3 km W
  • Tankerness House/Orkney Museum, Broad St: (01856/873-191)
  • Mine Howe farm, Tankerness: Iron Age
  • Stromness region, along A965
  • Cuween Hill Cairn, low mound over passage grave (see farmer for key)
  • Maes Howe, 3rd c BC slab stones; Viking runes (F); (LP: 274—check Winter Solstice webcams: ),  buy guidebook
  • *Summer Solstice recommendation: Ring of Brodgar (1560 BC): 36 stones surrounded by ditch [LP:274 says 21/60 still stand]
  • Stenness Standing Stones  (4/12) nearby, 3300 BC
  • Barnhouse Neolithic Village see it, LP:275)
  • Unstan Chambered Tomb (01856/873-191)
  • Skara Brae: village & passages (F:); visitor center w/museum, café, guidebk (LP: 272-3)
  • Brough of Birsay (Norse settlement & 16th c Earls’ Palace); walk to it @ low tide (LP:275)
  • Stromness
  • Mill of Eyrland (old mill, now B&B: 5 units only!):
  • Bkshop: Stromness Books & Prints (Orkneyinga Saga)
  • Rolandsay
  • Tomb of the Eagles, 3000 BC chambered tomb S of Windwick Bay (call Mr. R. Simison of Liddle Farm for tour): ; visitor center; speculation that 340 human interments were sky burials (skellies of 14 sea eagles found LP:284)
  • Shapinsay
  • Ferry from Kirkwall, Orkney
  • Balfour Castle: (6 units only)
  • Grey seal & puffin colonies on adjacent uninhabited island
  • Several Neolithic sites—most unexcavated
  • Rousay has ca. 200 prehist monuments
  • Ferry from Kirkwall, Orkney
  • Midhowe Brock & Tombs = Iron Age
  • Blackhammer Cairn – people & cattle bones, 3rd millennium BC
  • Eday – crafting community; is matriarchal lairdship
  • Ferry from Kirkwall, Orkney
  • Standing stones & chambered cairns
  • Sanday
  • Ferry from Kirkwall, Orkney
  • Belsair Hotel (3 units only!), Kettletoft, includes island’s only restaurant (01857/600-206)
  • Quoyness Chambered Tomb on Elsness Penninsula [spectacular], 2900 BC
  • Brochs & Viking burial grounds
  • Papa Westray: rich in arch sites
  • Ferry from Kirkwall, Orkney
  • Holland area: Knap of Howar, 3000 BC =earliest standing house in NW Europe
  • St. Boniface Church/Celtic site
  • Red sandstone slab graves = Christian Viking (see quote, F: 428)
  • Hoy (“High Island”)
  • Ferry from Kirkwall, Orkney
  • Dwarfie Stane: only eg of Neolithic rock-cut tomb in Britain (LP: 286)
  • 10-min walk from Rackwick Glen
  • 2 sml, burial chambers
  • 3000 BC
  • To Hebrides
  • Lewis
  • Ferry from Ullapool to Stornoway
  • Marshy peat bogs
  • Stornoway
  • *Callandish 13 standing stones & cairn: 26 km W, off A858
  • Lewis Blackhouse: 24 km NW, off A858
  • Clach an Trushal @ Balanthrushal Barvas = lrgst standing stone in Scotland
  • Dun Carloway Broch (Iron Age) , 32 km NW, A858
  • Dun Borranish 1831 excavation “Lewis Chessmen,” ca. AD500 (replicas available)
  • Cabarfeidh Hotel (collection of stag antlers/trans of name), Viking longship bar:
  • 600 weavers
  • Harris: *extraordinary landscape from Tarbert: wild water is like swimming in champagne!!
  • fine hotel:
  • Ferry from Tarbert to Uig on Skye:
  • Rodel Hotel: (only 4 units!)
  • Kirk (?): lay-preacher Hamish Taylor preaches in Gaelic on Sunday
  • Clach Mhicleoid (standing stone) S from Tarbert
  • Scarista Standing Stone @ Sound of Taransay
  • Uist
  • N (Uibhist A Tuath)
  • Ferry from Tarbart, Harris, to Lochmaddy & back to Skye
  • Blashaval (hamlet)
  • 3 Standing Stones of the False Men (Na Fir Bhreige)
  • Bhaarpa Langass & Pobull Fhinn (Finn’s People): chambered tomb & stone circle
  • From Langass Lodge Hotel, 6 mi S of Lochmaddy, off A867
  • Berneray (Bearnaraigh) offshore island
  • Borve Standing Stone
  • Sollas: cairns & Standing Stones on both sides of main road
  • SE to Bayhead, take A867 toward Lochmaddy
  • Ben Langass: 1000 BC cairn on mt slope (excavated finds in Ntl Mus, Edinburgh)
  • Main road S to Carinish Stone Circle
  • S
  • From Lochboisdale A865 W to B888 S to Polchar Standing Stone
  • Barra ? “Garden of the Hebrides”
  • Skye
  • B&B (Tori & Kessler recommended)
  • Dunvegan
  • “ Castle: said to be Britain’s oldest inhabited castle
  • Skaebost Bridge
  • Old cemetery w/4 Crusader graves
  • Mull: a couple of 13th c castles
  • Coll
  • Scarinish Hotel:
  • Totronald: 2 Standing Stones, Na Sgeulachan (“Teller of Tales”)
  • Tyree: Ringing Stone @ Balephetrish
  • Iona ?
  • Jura (Norse jura = deer):
  • Jura hotel:
  • 5-minute ferry from/to Islay
  • Islay
  • Ardbeg distillery:
  • Bowmore distillery:
  • Kildalton Kirkyard Crosses (Celtic), NE of Port Ellen
  • Gigha
  • Ferry from Tayinloan, Kintyre Penn
  • Ogham Stone
  • Viking ruins
  • Achamore House Gardens
  • Arran
  • Ferry to Brodick
  • Brodick Castle mid 13th c
  • Isle of Arran Heritage Mus
  • Tormore
  • Cairns & Standing Stones
  • Kildonan
  • Kildonan Hotel:
  • Argyll (Earraghaidheal)
  • Oban
  • Dungrianach B&B (2 units only!): 01631/562-840
  • Dunstaffnage Castle seat of Dalriadic monarchy from 8th c to 10th
  • Kilmartin Glen (LP: 70)
  • Kilmartin House Museum
  • K. Sites
  • Linear cemetery
  • Temple Wood (2 stone circles)
  • K. Kirkyard: 10th Celtic Crosses (Knights Templar?)
  • Dunadd (3.5 mi S of K. Village)
  • Glascow
  • Advance Reservations Service (3£ service chrg/2 wks notice: 0845/225-5121)
To be put in context:
  • Angus Glens
  • Glen Lethnot
  • Brown & White Caterthuns: 2 Iron Age hill forts
  • Strathpeffer: Eagle Stone, pre-7th c Pictish (LP:222)
  • Rosemarkie: Groam House Mus: (fine coll of Pictish stones LP:219)
  • Blairgowrie: 8 mi E off A94: Meigle Museum has 26 Pictish stones, 7th-10th c (LP: 144)
  • Portmahomac: Tarbat Discovery Center: Pictish Stones, Crop Circles, Iron Age settlement (LP:226)
  • *Try to bk in advance
  • *Always check w/local tourist offices!!!
  • *”Take bite-sz chunks”
  • *Figure for contingency plans for bad weather
  • *Ferry booking important!!--do as far in advance as possible
  • *Will have to make day X day decisions: savour ea experience

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